Virtual office

Whole administration staff outsource services

Nowadays, more than ever outsource services become more and more attractive for businesses. As we see that and outsource benefits for businesses, we want to offer you special package of whole administration staff outsource service.

There is no doubt about outsource benefits, but main is that you could save not only finance resource but also other, very important resource – time. By using our services you don’t have to:

And a lot of other benefits, which we take care of

- Positions which we could to offer -


Business development, sales, customer support, marketing, law, finance etc. 


B2B phone sales, business meeting organizing, surveys, market research etc.

Customer support

Support via phone, email, live chat, social media etc.


Accepting incoming communication flow, preparing documents etc.


SEO, google adwords, social media marketing, physical ads etc.


Graphic design, layouts, visual content, logos, etc. 


Consultations, juridical law, establishment of companies, preparing contracts etc.


Recruiting, training, dismissal etc.


Accounting, preparing reports, secondments etc.


Law, technical, medical and other documents translations

Occupational Safety

Occupational safety and fire safety documents, trainings, supervising etc. 

- How to start our partnership -


Evaluate which administration employees positions do you have now or which should be needed in short term. Evaluate existing workload in every position.


By your evaluations we prepare proposal with your needs.


Sign an agreement of our cooperation. At the beginning we could take only part of the positions, don't need to rush.

Strategy and plan

Preparing smooth cooperation strategy and plan..


Preparation period


Take agreed workload


Every Friday we send you a report with tasks which we have done, work time and invoice.


Regarding that we would be as a team, we have to communicate constantly and if there would be any needs we could adapt to the circumstances as fast as it's possible.

- Keep in touch -